Healthy For Life Meals | Fresh & Healthy Meal Plan Delivery

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Can Food Act as Medicine?

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

The famous quote from Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” implies that what you eat can treat and even stave off disease.  

The essence behind this quote, that eating habits have a strong impact on health, is illustrated by the increasing prevalence of diet-related health issues and the use of dietary changes to treat these problems.  

This concept is also a driving force behind Healthy For Life Meals, and it’s why our freshly prepared, nutritionally balanced meals work! 

With their abundance of beneficial nutrients and compounds, whole foods may help fight inflammation, lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, and protect against certain chronic diseases. 

Eating a nutrient-rich diet may also prevent the need for some medications in the first place, and can help some individuals wean off blood pressure meds, insulin, or statins. However, depending on their purpose, certain medications are invaluable and should not be solely replaced by food. 

Read on to learn more about how food choices can protect against disease. 

How Food Choices Influence Disease Risk 

It’s not news that eating a diet of unhealthy, ultra-processed foods may contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, and even some cancers.  

One study on mortality in 195 countries found that 11 million deaths worldwide in 2017 could be attributed to poor dietary factors, including high sodium intake and inadequate whole grain and fruit consumption (1). 

On the other hand, studies on the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, and related eating patterns, have found that diets high in whole grains, healthy fats, vegetables, and plant foods are associated with decreased risks of diseases related to poor food choices and obesity (234). 

These foods contain micronutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that fight oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the body that can promote disease development (5).  

What’s more, some foods contain nutrients that exert specific protective effects: 

  • Fatty fish: rich in omega-3 fatty acids that may decrease inflammation associated with heart disease (6

  • Oats: contain beta-glucan fiber can help lower cholesterol levels (7

  • Cruciferous veggies (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc): contain glucosinolate and isothiocyanate compounds that may protect against certain cancers, including breast and lung (89)  

  • Beets and beet juice: contain dietary nitrates that may increase blood vessel dilation and decrease blood pressure (1011

  • Berries: rich in anthocyanins (the pigments that give them their color!) that may exert anti-cancer effects (12

Healthy For Life Meals – The Power of Food in Action!  

It’s clear that some foods have medicinal properties and that regularly consuming a diet based on whole foods can help protect against and treat certain health issues. And the results of our clients drive that point home.  

Based on a survey of 110 clients, 97% had lower total cholesterol levels, 75% had reduced blood pressure, and 71% reported lower triglycerides after eating our meals for 16 weeks. How’s that for the power of food?! 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Our fresh, delicious, and nutritionally balanced meals are rich in foods that can help manage health issues and protect against certain diseases. Get started today and experience the power of eating whole foods to truly get “healthy for life!” 

Disclaimer: While food may assist in treating diseases and can help decrease reliance on medications for blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, it should never be used in place of a medication you are prescribed. Always discuss with your healthcare provider before making changes to or discontinuing medication.